Sunday, August 23, 2015

Test Your knowledge (Eye Case)

A 3yo female working Springer spaniel is presented to your practice one day after a field trial, with acute onset right ocular pain and discharge.
Q1: Describe the abnormalities seen, and give the most likely diagnosis.
Q2: What is the most likely aetio-pathogenesis for this condition in this case?
Q3: List the treatment options.
(Answers below image)

A1: Profuse mucopurulent ocular discharge, chemosis and corneal oedema, associated with a large corneal abnormality which is most likely an area of corneal stromal collagenolysis (‘melting’ corneal ulceration). 
A2: Traumatic injury to the eye, followed by infection with a bacteria associated with corneal melting (Pseudomonas aeruginosa or beta-haemolytic streptococcus)
A3: Topical treatment with anti-collagenase (topical serum, EDTA, acetylcysteine), appropriate topical and systemic antibiotics (swab and Diffquik staining/ bacterial culture recommended), systemic analgesia, conjunctival grafting if progressive

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