Thursday, August 20, 2015

Pug Eye Problem (Case)

A 4yo neutered male pug is presented for chronic corneal scarring and recurrent corneal ulceration. History taking and general physical examination identified signs of upper airway disease but no other significant abnormalities.
Q1: Describe the ophthalmic abnormalities.
Q2: List possible treatment options.

A1: The patient is showing signs of bilateral breed-related exophthalmos, pigmentary keratitis, exposure keratitis, macropalpebral fissure, probable lagophthalmos (inability to completely close the eyelids), nasal fold trichiasis and medial lower eyelid entropion
A2: Bilateral medial canthoplasty is indicated to correct the medial entropion, improve tear film distribution and shorten the eyelids. A nasal fold resection may be indicated for the nasal fold trichiasis.


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